Bufo Alvarius Ceremony in Barcelona, Spain

Team: Ness Dalgà, Alejandro Carbó, Olimpia Zajaz, Paula Jubany and Mauricio Albanés

December 17, 2022

Date and Time Details: December 17th, 2022, 15.00 - 20.00h

Location: Barcelona, Spain

Address: Barcelona, Spain

Contact: info@weareavalon.love
+34 649 671 561

  • €280.00 – Bufo Alvarius Ceremony

Avalon invites you transcend your ego thanks to the most powerful sacred medicine in the world, the Bufo Alvarius toad from the Sonoran desert (Mexico), in a ceremonial and safe setting.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same level of consciousness we used when we created them.” – Albert Einstein.

We have created an intimate and safe container in the heart of Barcelona city for a group of up to 9 people to enable exploration beyond duality thanks to the wisdom of the Bufo Alvarius, the so-called God’s Molecule (5-MeO-DMT) and bufotein (5-HO-DMT). The complete ego dissolution and “One with the Universe” experience that it elicits will provide freedom and a new perspective that will allow us to break free of limiting patterns and the grip of old traumas.

Experience with Bufo Alvarius venom is usually very immersive, and produces an extreme variation in perception. Many people describe sensations of cosmic unity, of access to non-dual consciousness and deep spiritual experiences. Some people have compared it to the experience of dying and accessing states similar to those described in Buddhist and Hindu traditions such as Nirvana or Tathagata, beyond the beyond. The loss of a sense of identity and dissolution of the ego is common, as well as oceanic sensations of merging with everything. – ICEERS International Center for Ethnobotanical Education Research and Service.


Your experience includes:

1 Bufo Alvarius ceremony by Ness Dalgà.

1 Rapé ceremony (dried tobacco powder) – clearing the mind and cleansing the body and energy field, used in a combination with Bufo Alvarius.

1 Integration workshop combining diverse and creative methods, such as sharing circles, writing, art therapy and ecstatic dance.

1 Meal consisting of fruits, nuts and other foods always from high quality sources.

1 One-to-one preparation video call.

1 post retreat online integration circle.


You will also enjoy:

High facilitator-to-guest ratio.

Ceremony in an especially safe setting, with individualized attention from our healers. Our ceremony team consists of experienced sacred space guardians and musicians.

Ceremony filled with live “medicine” music: a combination of multiple instruments and voices.

Easily accessible location in Europe (Barcelona) with direct flights from most of bigger cities.

Personal support before and after the ceremony – you will have a personal Avalon family member assigned, to guide you through the preparation and integration.

Bufo Alvarius integration guidelines document.

Lifelong access to Avalon community, activities and support system.



About the Team

Ness Dalgà

ARCHETYPE: Mother. Nurturing, gentle and caring feminine energy creator of safety and security feelings. PERSONAL JOURNEY: Listening to the call of her spirit towards personal development and what was her true mission, Ness began approaching different specialties on human behaviour and other holistic therapies. Thus she began to approach medicines, which have ended up becoming […]

Learn more about Ness Dalgà

Alejandro Carbó

ARCHETYPE. Indigenous knight. Light warrior who grounds and empowers to improve the world. PERSONAL JOURNEY. My name is Alejandro Carbó and I am deeply passionate about creating beauty. Passion is nothing but love turned into action, it is the fire that guide us towards expressing who we really are. The product of that love, then, […]

Learn more about Alejandro Carbó

Olimpia Zajaz

ARCHETYPE: Angel of music and dance. Friend of instruments. Female innocence that heals with the voice PERSONAL JOURNEY: I started my spiritual journey in 2012, when I met Taita Florentino Agreda Chindoy from the Kamëntšá indigenous community, Putumayo (Colombia), who gave me Ayahuasca for the first time in a sacred ceremony. I immediately connected with […]

Learn more about Olimpia Zajaz

Paula Jubany

ARCHETYPE: Joyful optimist warrior of light. Elfic caregiver and dreamer. Magic and love bringer. PERSONAL JOURNEY: My life was always surrounded by magic and in some way I dedicated myself to service from a very young age. At first these acts were carried out naturally and unconsciously, until in 2014 my spiritual path began to become […]

Learn more about Paula Jubany

Mauricio Albanés

ARCHETYPE: Sage. Conventional and alternative medicine integrator. Seeker and sharer of truth. PERSONAL JOURNEY: I was born in 1963 in Atiquizaya, El Salvador. I am a medical doctor from the Autonomous University of Guadalajara, Mexico in 1986 and I am in service since then. I post graduated in general surgeon from the Central University of […]

Learn more about Mauricio Albanés