Abuelo Comba Nymy Quene

ARCHETYPE: Peaceful grandfather and passionate teacher. Contemplative sharer of words.

PERSONAL JOURNEY: “The good use and management of sacred plants awaken a feeling of love and harmony with life and humanity.”

In 1982 I began my suna (spiritual path) to recover the forgotten tradition of our Muisca ancestors and thus be able to transmit the wisdom acquired in the knowledge and customs that this tradition has kept in the four elements: fire, water, earth, and air. And thus improve our humanity through our thought, word, and heart.

I began a journey in search of my roots. I visited various experts from the Arahuacos, Kogui, Huitotos, Tubu, Kankuamos, Cofanes, Sionas, and Ingas indigenous communities. From these communities, I received the knowledge and management of the sacred plants and medicines of yagé (Ayahuasca), tobacco, ambira, ambil, yopo, and mambe. The ancestral medicines awakened my consciousness and taught me that my deepest roots are in my territory, the stones, lagoons, and sacred Muisca places. In that same year, 1982, I began the path and knowledge of yagé medicine (Ayahausca), and I was named Taita (priest) by my Mayor (teacher).

On the different trips to Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and Panama, I reinforced my knowledge of indigenous ancestral medicine and different mancias. Such as numerology, tarot, astrology, geomancy, ovomancy, necromancy, and aquamancy. In addition, I took various self-improvement courses with Miguel Ángel Cornejo, Doctor Camilo Cruz, and Padre Gonzalo Gallo, among others. I also participated in various television programs on the Colombian channels Canal 13, Canal RCN, Canal Caracol, and Canal Capital.

The management and professional knowledge of numerology, tarot, ritualistic astrology, and ancestral knowledge have allowed me to be part of the psychic lines of the country since 2012. Such as the psychic line of Walter Mercado, the astral door, the astrological line of Mauricio Puerta and Solomon’s line.

In 2004 I was named Mamo (custodian of the land) by the Arahuaco Mamo Lorenzo Izquierdo, who restored the Muisca tradition guarded by his community for more than 500 years in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.

I am currently the governor and ancestral spiritual guide of the Musica Hitcha Waïa community, and I continue transmitting and disseminating Muisca ancestral knowledge.

ROLE: Medicine man. Guardian and musician of sacred ceremony space.